A Heartfelt Farewell: The Unforgettable Life of Reb Mendel Weinberger, z”l

By Y. S. Gold
As the Boro Park community, and Klal Yisroel in general, continue to reel from the twin tragedy that snuffed out the lives of two of Boro Park’s finest yungeleit—individuals who lived for others and to make a difference in the lives of others—BoroPark24 spoke with friends and family of the niftarim in order to gain a glimpse into their lives which were snuffed out prematurely.
Mendy Weinberger was born twenty-seven years ago to his parents, ybl”ch, Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Weinberger.
From a young age, Mendy was always the life of things. Wherever he went, he brought his trademark energy and smile, uplifting everyone around him. “He was a piece of energy and life,” recalled a family member. “He was the happiest person I have ever met,” they said.
His love for people and his zest for life meant that Mendy was always looking for ways to help others. In recent years, he opened a company and began to do well… but this was only a vehicle to help others—always keeping his activities and his generosity under wraps.
A chosson relates that he didn’t have the money to purchase a shtreimel for his wedding. Without hesitation, Mendy footed the entire cost of the shtreimel himself. Another friend relates that he was celebrating the birth of a daughter and didn’t have the money to make a kiddush. A loving friend by the name of Mendy Weinberger came forward and covered the entire thing.
Mendy had a special place in his heart for davening—seeing it as the time to connect with his Creator, and he would invest all his heart in his davening. His friends knew that he was exceptionally makpid on his davening at all times. Interestingly, his family relates that his tefillin remained unscathed following the accident in Mountaindale.
Mendy was a family man. He loved each and every one of his family members—spending inordinate amounts of time talking with them. He was always on the phone with his parents… and of course, his wife and children were his life.
A neighbor relates that Mendy’s smile was one of the highlights of their residential development. “Wherever he went, there was life and excitement,” he told us.
“The first time I met Mendy, I instantly knew that I was getting the best neighbors—and the ensuing years proved that. What can I tell you… Mendy was a true example of a shachein tov, and a lev tov, a good neighbor with an exceptional heart. He was never down, no matter what…. And he didn’t keep his smile to himself. He would greet everyone and anyone—no matter who they were—with the same smile and the same upbeat greeting.”
Another acquaintance relates: “Whenever I would encounter him in shul, I would be amazed by the warmth and the heart that he invested into his davening. He was a true example of how a yungerman should daven and behave, tzi Gott in tzi laht, to G-d and to man!”
A prominent mashpiah to whom Mendy was close relates that Mendy was always filled with emunah. “Even when he endured challenges, the beginning of the conversation and the end of the conversation pulsated with emunah… in middle, he would speak about what was on his mind. He always searched for the truth, and always sought out the best way to serve Hashem in every matzav. He would always ask what the right thing was—things that no one else would ask… But he wanted to be sure that he was doing the right thing.”
He also spoke about Mendy’s golden heart, always jumping forward to give to others… whipping out his credit card to assist everyone in need.
As noted, he was exceptionally devoted to his twin boys, his young daughter, and to his wife, the almanah.
Neighbors, friends, and family expressed their deep pain grief for Mendy’s loss, and their deep pain for the almanah and yesomim who have been left behind. “The entire Maple development is shattered beyond words,” said a resident.
The only consolation that they expressed was that Mendy’s sterling example will continue to live on in the hearts of the countless people whom he touched through his incredible personality and his bright smile.
Yehi zichro baruch.