BDE: Mrs Bracha Biegeleisen, a”h

YS Gold
We are saddened to inform you of the petirah of Mrs. Biegeleisen, a longtime Boro Park resident and a lifelong mechaneches who gave her heart and soul. She was 87 years of age and left this world suddenly while mouthing the words of borchu on Shabbos in Shul.
The nifteres came from a home steeped in Torah and chassidus. Her father was the legendary Reb Menashe Singer of Krakow, and she was raised from the youngest age to the life of chassidus and yiras Shomayim, for which she would be known all her life.
The war came to Krakow, and she escaped with her family. Along the way, she and her brother went into the Belzer Ruv for a bracha. He gave them two coins, which they guarded like the apple of their eye. The Ruv would later say, “Every Holocaust survivor was guarded by two angels—but the Singer children were watched by literal angels.”
She spent two-and-a-half years in Bergen Belsen, and later spent time in an orphanage. She came to America with nothing and proceeded to marry her husband, a Chassidishe bachur.
She dedicated her life to teaching. Whether in seminary, as a teacher, and later as a Holocaust studies instructor—she emanated yiras Shomayim and middos to her thousands of students who will never forget her chinuch.
She was involved in the lives of every grandchild and great-grandchild and gave herself away to her family.
Along with her husband, ybl”ch Reb Moshe (of the legendary Biegelesens’s seforim store) she established a beautiful generation of Chassidim who will forever remember her as a role model for deep yiras Shomayim, dedication, and every good middah.
The levaya will take place at Shomre Hadas at 10:30 Sunday morning, and kevurah will be in Long Island. Watch the Levaya live here.
Yehi zichra baruch.