BDE: R’ Yehoshua Tzvi Aryeh Brach, z”l
YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the passing of Reb Yehoshua Tzvi Aryeh ben Zev Brach.
The niftar was a lifelong Boro Park resident and the proprietor of Brachsoni shirts on 13th Avenue.
He was known by all as a great ba’al Chessed, and proudly displayed a sign at the door of his store signed by the Belzer Rebbetzin, acknowledging his exceptional support for so many Yidden.
The levaya will take place at the Sanz-Zemigrad Beis Medrash 1914 50th Street at 9:00.
The Aron will then go to Kiryas Yoel for kevurah.
Yehi zichro baruch