BDE: R’ Yosef Sitorsky, z”l
YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the passing of R’ Yosef Sitorsky, a longtime Boro Park resident. He was 88 years of age.
The niftar was born to his father, Reb Avrohom Abba Sitorsky, in the city of Detroit where he had come from Poland.
He learned in Beis Yehuda in Detroit, and later in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, and afterward in Beis Medrash Elyon.
He settled in Boro Park, and davened in the Kapishnitzer Shul and was very close to the Kapishnitzer Rebbe.
He served as the ba’al tokeiah in the Bostoner Shul for many years, even this year when he was very weak.
His grandchildren relate that he never missed a day of his shiurim all the years, and when he retired, he spent all day learning with chavrusos.
He never complained, and always had a smile for everyone.
He was niftar in the late hours of Monday night, leaving behind a beautiful Torah family, and a sterling legacy of Torah and Yiras Shomayim.
The levaya will take place this morning at 10:30 at Shomrei Hadas. To watch it live click here.
Yehi zichro baruch.