BDE: Reb Shimshon Simsovits, z”l

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Shimshon Simsovits, 94, a vestige of a lost world, and longtime Boro Park resident.
He was born in Czechoslovakia, to his father Reb Avrohom Simcha and Tziporah Simsovits, ardent Viznitzer chassidim. The family actually came to America when Shimshon was a young child, but seeing the state of Yiddishkeit here, they soon returned home.
Most of them would be killed al kiddush Hashem, Hy”d.
Reb Shimshon was fortunate to survive the war, and made his way to America, eventually settling in Boro Park. He made a living as a watchmaker, selling and repairing watches for the residents of Boro Park.
But his true passion was Torah learning, completing Shas multiple times over his life.
He also reconnected with his Viznitzer roots, davening often in the Viznitzer Beis Medrash on 53rd Street. He also davened often in Shomrei Shabbos, which was near his home.
The levaya took place at the Viznitzer Beis Medrash on Motzei Shabbos, with kevurah in the Viznitzer cemetery in Bnei Brak, being laid to rest following a lifetime dedicated to Torah and Yiddishkeit, leaving behind beautiful Torah generations.
Yehi Zichro Baruch