BDE: Reb Volf (Volvy) Tirnauer, z”l
By: YS Gold
We are deeply saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Volf Tirnauer. He was a ba’al chessed to his core, and he was a young sixty years of age. He was niftar following a short illness.
The niftar was the son of Reb Yaakov Yehoshua Tirnauer, and was raised in Brooklyn at a time when Klal Yisroel was in the postwar spirit of rebuilding.
He absorbed the drive for chessed from a young age, and would become known for his varied chassodim.
A longtime misplalel in the Burshtiner Beis Medrash, mispalelim recall a man who was completely dedicated to the kehillah and all those who were a part of it. “If there was no one to daven before the amud, he would do it—not because he liked, but because stepping in and helping out was who he was,” recalled a mispalel in the beis medrash. He was also a dedicated member of the kehillah’s chevra kaddisha, and generally sought to help out in any way that he could.
The niftar and his family had a gemach in their basement, where they assisted those in need for many years.
Sadly, he was stricken with an illness about six months ago, and was niftar on Tuesday night, leaving behind a beautiful family.
The Levaya will take place at the Satmar Beis Medrash on Rodney Street at 2:30, and at the Burshtiner beis medrash at 3:30.
Yehi zichro baruch.