BDE: Reb Yosef Goldberg, z”l
YS Gold
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of R’ Yosef Goldberg, an ardent Lubavitcher Chossid, and lifelong Boro Park resident. He was 92 years of age.
The niftar was born to his father, Reb Menachem Goldberg, a Rebbi in Toras Emes. Tragically, his father suffered a heart attack and passed away when Yosef and his brother were very young. The Frierdiker Rebbe of Lubavitch was deeply affected by the news of the passing of his chossid, and sent five-dollar bills to the children to keep as a shmirah.
As young boys, he and his brothers were taken under the wing of their relative, Rav Yitzchok Ushpol, the rov of the Anshei Lubavitch Shul in Boro Park.
As a bachur, Yosef learned in Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim-Lubavitch, which was then headed by Rav Yisroel Guttman, zt”l, who invested himself in the success of each bachur—including Yossel Goldberg. Even after Rav Gustman left Lubavitch, Yossel would go to his home to learn with him a few times a week.
He worked for a number of years as a rebbi in Boston, and later settled in Boro Park, where he raised a beautiful family, along with, tbl”ch, his wife Tziporah Goldberg.
“He was a true yarei Shomayim, in every area,” recalled an acquaintance. “He was a ba’al tokeah for decades in the Tzemach Tzedek Shul on 46th Street, and was a truly skilled at it. One year, he refused to blow, explaining that he had contracted an infection and could not immerse in the mikvah. ‘If so, I cannot blow shofar,’ he insisted.”
Reb Yosef spent many hours learining, and had connections with many Rabbonim from the previous generation, including his neighbor, Rav Eliezer Kirzner of the Congregation Bnei Yehuda, where he davened often, and spent many hours learning.
The Levaya will take place at Shomrei Hadas at 1:00 this afternoon, and he will be interred in Wellwood Cemetery.
Yehi zichro baruch.