Boro Park Today: Simchos and Celebration- Wednesday 3 Adar II/ March 13

Son of Eliezer Halberstam to the daughter of Afrum Aharon Twerski, in Ateres Chinka.
Son of Avrum Eliyu Yisroal Mezei to the daughter of Eliezer Shimon Zupnick, in Ateres Golda.
Son of Chaim Yosef Birnbaum to the daughter of Yaakov Moshe Schwartz, in Tferes Mordcha.
Son of Yosef Lefkowitz to the daughter of Menachem Mendal Moster, in Bnoz Zion Bobov Hall.
Son of Avrum Aba Horowitz to the daughter of Naftula SHraga Greenfeld, in Spinka 1466-56.
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