BPJCC Partners With Assemblyman Eichenstein and GTSC to Distribute Hundreds of Free Car Seats

By M.C. Millman
Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, together with the Boro Park Jewish Community Council, partnered yet again to offer eligible Boro Park parents free car seats. The educational distribution and safety training, which took place on Thursday, June 20, was funded by the Governor's Traffic Safety Committee. It provided 250 parents who recognize the importance of keeping their children safe while riding in vehicles with brand-new car seats for infants and children up to 65 pounds.
Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein made it a priority to participate again this year during the Boro Park JCC distribution.
"Carseats save the lives of our youngest New Yorkers," Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein shares with BoroPark24. "I was proud to team up once again with BPJCC in providing local residents with brand new free car seats for their children and am gratified to see that so many took advantage of this opportunity."
Avi Greenstein, BPJCC CEO, and BPJCC staff facilitated the smooth distribution, which boasted minimal wait time. Certified seat technicians were on hand throughout the morning, giving final training, demonstrations, and testing to make sure parents knew exactly how to safely utilize the car seats they received.
"I am tremendously grateful that the BPJCC is once again distributing carseats to Boro Park residents," Yidel Perlstein, Community Board 12 Chairman and BPJCC board member, shares with BoroPark24. "After last week's tragic car accident in Jackson, New Jersey, where a child secured in a car seat was saved, while a child who was unfortunately not in a car seat tragically was killed, the importance of this endeavor cannot be stressed enough."
Perlstein has provided a truck for storage and transport of the brand-new car seats since the BPJCC's first distribution three years ago.
Shomrim volunteers assisted as well in a very significant way that went well above and beyond the usual crowd control and event coordination which was flawlessly executed.
"The BPJCC is pleased to partner once again with Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein and the Governor's Traffic Safety Committee in offering this initiative, which will help save lives," Avi Greenstein, BPJCC CEO, shared. "We were especially thrilled to host Patricia Burke, from the GTSC, who drove over seven hours to dedicate her time and expertise to the event. Not only are we providing free car seats to qualified Boro Parkers, but we also provided fundamental training in car seat installation and safety as a prerequisite to receiving the brand-new car seat today. We are so grateful to Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein and the Governor's Traffic Safety Committee for partnering with us to make today's event possible."
The response to the initiative was tremendous. It exceeded the original funding capacity, demonstrating the community's immense need to help parents keep their children safe. The funding included educational activities, awareness, and installation training as part of the car seat education and distribution program.