BREAKING: Small-Engine Plane Carrying Two Frum Men Goes Missing

BY: BZ Green
Update: 11:15pm:
The two people onboard the plane that lost their lives in the tragic accident are from Cleveland’s Jewish community, Ben Chafetz and Boruch Taub a”h, DansDeals reported. Ben is survived by his wife and 7 children.
May we share Bsiros Toivos.
Update: 11:05pm:
Local media reports that the plane has been located and two people were declared dead r”l at the scene. The two people include a passenger and the pilot.
Original story below:
Update - 10:00pm:
The search for the downed aircraft has been narrowed down to the rear of an office building in Airmonk, with reports saying there were two passengers and a pilot on the small-engine airplane.
Original story below:
A small plane took off this afternoon from JFK to Cuyahoga County Airport in Richmond Heights.
It was carrying two frum men from the east coast, and somewhere along the way the engines lost power. Shortly thereafter, they lost radar and radio contact with the FAA.
A text message reportedly from one of the occupants was frantic: “say tehillim… we lost engines… call and have community say Tehillim.”
As the search and rescue operation is ongoing, the community is asked to daven for Boruch ben Sara, Binyomin Riyal ben Bracha.