City Comptroller Calls Citi-Bikes ‘Unreliable’

YS Gold
A report released by the office of NYC Comptroller takes to task Citi-Bikes, saying the service is unreliable in the five boroughs.
Analyzing data from two months in the spring of 2023, the report claims that many riders often find a full dock, and are unable to park their bikes, while others looking for bikes can only find empty docks or broken bikes.
This comes as Citi Bike continues to grow in popularity, with 30,000,000 trips being logged by riders last year.
In response to the report, a Citi Bike statement said:
"Citi Bike is the fastest growing transportation system in New York City's history, and we are in the final stages of an expansion that has more than tripled its size. A larger service area and unprecedented ridership, all in the wake of a global pandemic and shifting commuter landscape, have brought new challenges that require creative solutions. Reliability is our highest priority, and we work hand-in-hand every day with our partners at DOT to ensure that Citi Bike can best meet the growing demands of all of our more than 1.5 million passionate riders. We look forward to reviewing the report and sitting down with Comptroller Lander to discuss his findings," a spokesperson for Citi Bike said.