In Tribute: Reb Yaakov Moskowitz, z”l

YS Gold
On Sunday evening, Boro Park lost a pillar of the Viznitzer chassidus, with the passing of Reb Yaakov Moskowitz, z”l. He was in his upper nineties.
The niftar was born in Marmoros, and survived the war miraculously. He would remember the incredible sights of prewar Romania for many years to come, and would retell the stories and anecdotes of that world to the future generations.
The niftar was the longtime proprietor of Yankel’s Shoe Store on Havemeyer Street in Williamsburg.
For many years, he would go onto the tisch of the Toras Mordechai of Viznitz-Monsey with his violin, bringing joy to the Rebbe and the chassidim.
He was an extremely active person in the chassidus, and served as the longtime vice-president of the Boro Park shul.
Reb Yaakov was always seen with a smile, and was always friendly to everyone, old and young.
He was niftar Sunday evening, leaving behind beautiful Torah generations.
The levaya went out from the Viznitzer Shul in Boro Park on Monday morning.
Yehi zichro baruch.