Living Legacy: Rav Yisroel Salanter, Founder of the Mussar Movement

Photos of brand-new ohel, and local mispalelim, on yohrtzeit
25 Shvat marks the 139th yohrtzeit of Rav Yisroel
Lipkin, zy”a, the founder of the mussar movement—which continues
to impact the world immeasurably to this day.
He was born to his father, Rav Wolf, in the Southern
Lithuanian town of Zogar, in the year 1810. His father was a prominent rov in a
number of kehillos, and author of brilliant seforim. He was recognized as a genius
from the youngest age, and never forgot anything he saw or read. As a bachur he
already committed to memory enormous sections of the Torah.
Wishing to shield him from all the exposure of the people in the town who expressed such wonderment about his abilities, his father sent him to learn with Rav Zvi Hirsch Broida, and Rav Yosef Zundel of Salant, a talmid of Rav Chaim Volozyner. Hence, he became known as Rav Yisroel Salanter.
He soon became a rosh yeshiva in Vilna, the great city of
Torah. He later built a yeshiva in another small town, and then a prominent
kollel in Kovno.
One of the greatest introductions of Rav Yisroel was the
deep sensitivity to another person which was at the core of his mussar
teachings. The great disseminator of mussar, who darshened in every area of
Torah in the most brilliant manner, could be seen standing in the street,
conversing with the simple townsfolk... lifting them up from their troubles and
And his brilliance in keeping every minute halacha, thinking
so deeply about every utterance and move. One time he was seen trying to coax a
stray cat into his home in the moments before Yom Kippur. When asked about this
he explained: “I have in my home borrowed seforim. I am concerned that if we
all leave the house, the mice might cause them damage, and I would be derelict
in my obligation to guard them.
In 1857, he came to the German city of Koenigsberg, as part
of his effort to spread mussar teachings—and from there he made trips further
into Western Europe to bring his path to the masses there. Wherever he went, he
mesmerized crowds... bringing them closer to their Creator through his powerful
Rav Yisroel was niftar in Kalinigrad on 25 Shvat 1883.
He left behind numerous seforim in mussar and halacha—and there
are thousands of teachings and sayings that are attributed to him. Among his
primary emphasis are: Truth: never utter an untruthful word. Not to waste a
moment; carry our resolutions with commitment; honor each person; serenity and
thoughtfulness; calmness; cleanliness; patience; order; humility; justice and
compromise; and silence.
We received photos taken today at the tziyun in
Kaliningrad from the local Chabad Shaliach, Rav Avrohom Baruch Deitch, who went
up to the newly-renovated kever with about 25 people. They are featured here.
The work was under the auspices of his descendant, Rabbi Reuven Dessler of
Cleveland, and Rabbi Yisroel Meir Gabbai.
Living Legacy profiles the tsaddikim of our past as me
mark their yohrtzeit. A special project of