Memory Lane: Ladder 148-Engine 282, Boro Park’s Century-old Firehouse

Memory Lane: Ladder 148-Engine 282, Boro Park’s Century-old Firehouse

By Y. S. Gold

It has served as a house of protection for Boro Park, and a home for New York’s Bravest charged with speeding toward danger in the case of a fire, R”l, for more than a century. It has stood here, in this northern part of Boro Park, as a silent testament to the dedication and the sacrifice of those who have paid the ultimate price in the line of duty. 

The Ladder 148-Engine 282 firehouse has now been on Twelfth Avenue, between 42nd and 43rd Street for many decades, and was recently the site of the annual gathering of many of its former and present members on F.D.N.Y Memorial Day. 

Today, we take a glimpse into this century of history. 

1914: Serving a Growing Area

1914, the year this fire company was founded, was a time when Boro Park (then still known as Blythebourne, Scottish for “happy home.”) was beginning to slowly turn residential. Prior to this, it was primarily farmland. An important reason for the explosion in population around this time was the completion of the West End Line that went right through that area of Boro Park. It would be a while before it would become the congested metropolis that it is now, but this area now needed protection from fires. This was also around the time that motorized fire trucks were beginning to replace the horse-drawn 

This was especially true at a time when the homes being built were mostly wood, and the ability to fight fires was not what it is today. Speed in responding to fires was of great essence. There was Engine 247 about a mile west of this area (today on 13th avenue and 60th Street) and Engine 250 about a mile southerly (today located on Foster Avenue, near Ocean Parkway). 

In order to address the need in this part of town, Hook & Ladder 148 Company was formed, and was under the command of Captain David O’Keefe. On May 15, 1914, they received a new motorized ladder truck, alongside Engine 282. At that time, the company was comprised of two Lieutenants and eleven firefighters who came from neighboring companies. 

1914 was also the year that Robert Adamson, a journalist and public official, was appointed the Commissioner of the FDNY during the mayoral administration of John Purroy Mitchel. During his tenure, he worked to motorize the entire fleet of the FDNY throughout the city. 

Finally, this was an era when the FDNY was being restructured in many ways—with the changes including ensuring that every area had coverage.  

The Fires They Fought 

An article in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle on December 9, 1909, points directly to the issue of being under-covered by firehouses. “Big fire in Flatbush destroys six houses before engines arrive. Dwellings just completed in Midwood section burn like paper and afford a spectacular blaze... Like Boro Park Fire... residents themselves said to be largely responsible for lack of adequate protection in suburban sections.” 

As this company commenced its incredible service, it soon began its heroic work, the dedication to which has not waned in more than one century. 

Another ironic fire story is the time in May of 1899 when a fire destroyed Boro Park’s water tower, but did not impair the water supply... which would have made it impossible to fight the very fire! 

Another example was the fire in Rabbi Eliyohu Simpson’s Tzemach Tzedek Shul on Fourteenth Avenue, in the winter of 1934. Through the heroism of the fire and police departments, the Simpson children, as well as the sifrei Torah, were saved. This was the site of the Rebbe Rayatz of Lubavitch’s first visit on his 1929 visit to America. 

Through all these years of valiant dedication and sacrifice, the Boro Park community has recognized and appreciated the heroism of this incredible organization planted into its midst 108 years ago in Boro Park of yesteryear.  

Photo Gallery: Kevias Mezuzah in the new Zest Supermarket in Woodbourne
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