Preparations Underway at Alexander Shul for Overflow Crowds Expected for Upcoming Yomim Tovim
As the Yomim Noraim and Sukkos approach, preparations are in full swing to accommodate the large number of chasidim who will be spending this special time with the Alexander Rebbe, Shlit”a, of Boro Park. With large crowds expected for the tefilos and the uplifting Tish’n, great efforts have been made to ensure that everyone will be able to participate comfortably and meaningfully.
In anticipation of the influx of guests, a large stage has been constructed outside the Alexander Shul on 56th Street. This outdoor area will serve as the Vaber Shul, with additional space for tefilos during the Yomim Noraim.
Following Yom Kippur, the outdoor stage will be transformed into a spacious Sukkah, which will host the joyous Tish’n and Simchas Bais Hashoiava during Sukkos. Hundreds of participants are expected to partake in these special gatherings, adding to the simcha and kedusha of the Yom Tov season.
The logistics behind these preparations have been extensive, ensuring everything runs smoothly for the anticipated large crowds.
For those interested in similar logistical services, Rentastic has been involved behind the scenes, contributing to the setup and preparations. They can be reached at: 1.718. 676.1661 or via their website