Shomrim's Assistance Leads to Arrest of Mail Thief, Loaded Gun Recovered

By Idy Perl
Mail theft has been on the rise in Boro Park, with vandals stealing mail straight out of the mail drop boxes that are on every corner. The criminals are known to have U-Haul trucks which they use to collect stolen mail around the city.
Earlier today a Shomrim member was patrolling Boro Park when he noticed a parked U-Haul truck. He observed for a few minutes and noticed activity near the mail drop box. He immediately alerted other Shomrim members who showed up right away and called the police.
NYPD arrested the thieves and took the U-Haul truck down to the precinct to search the truck and have USPS pick up the stolen mail.
Shockingly, when the police opened the truck, they found mail bags from three drop boxes, in addition to a fully loaded gun with many bullets in it.