Weekend Weather: Blustery, Brutal Cold for Shabbos, -8° with Wind Chill

By: Yaker Biegeleisen
Friday will see mild temps, in the mid 40’s—but it
temperatures plummet from there.
As we inch closer to Shabbos, the winds pick up. This is due
to a storm off the coast (to our east) which will be bringing us strong winds.
The storm over the Atlantic—with hurricane force winds of up to 70 MPH— has
spared us, but we will getting the tail-end of it, with winds up to 30 MPH!
The cold will be brutal.
Friday night will be going down to a frigid 12°,
with the wind chill making it feel like -8°, and Shabbos day will be
extremely windy and blustery, with the wind chill making it feel like 0°.
Yaker Biegeleisen is a born-and-bred Boro Parker who
resides here with his family. He is a weather enthusiast and reports on weather
for Boropark24