Weekly Dee Voch on Newsstands: Netzuvim-Vayeilech

By BoroPark24 Staff
The latest Dee Voch package is now available at all local stores and newsstands, featuring three jam-packed booklets, with hundreds of event photos, dozens of articles and comics for young and old.
This week's Dee Voch includes galleries of dozens of events, such as the wedding in Satmar, wedding in Pupa, Sheva Brachos in Krula, wedding in Skolya, Hachtarah in Skulen, Makava Ruv's visit to NY, Satmar Rebbe visit to Linden NJ, Atzeres Hisorires in Boro Park, multiple Chasidishe and local news, and much more.
The Shrift this week features many articles and writings, including the main feature "Terror in Lakewood", the four around 80-year-old brother from the Lemberger printing, and numerous other columns.
The Business Shrift section is particularly rich with business news, interviews, articles, and valuable information, highlighted by a major interview with the founder and owner of the Williamsburg-BP Bus and the famous Umein initiative.
The Kinder Shrift magazine takes young readers on an exciting journey exploring colors and color blindness, along with many other columns, articles, comic stories, and fun-filled projects for all ages.
Get your copy at grocery stores and local retailers, or subscribe via WhatsApp or the website!