Yeshiva Darkei Chaim Closes on Property for Yeshiva K’tana

by YS Gold
Yeshiva Darkei Chaim has served as one of Boro Park’s finest elementary mosdos for a number of years, and they are set to open the doors of a brand new Yeshiva K’tana for a mesivta-level yeshiva following a long search for the right place.
They have finally located a perfect building at 1567 63rd Street, close enough to the neighborhood, but on the outskirts of Boro Park, giving the bachurim the focus that the center of town may not have. The yeshiva has been in contract on the building for close to a year, and the driving force behind the project was Reb Avrum Meir Bierman, z”l, who dedicated himself until his last days for the welfare of the yeshiva and the procurement of this building.
“Even during his last days on earth, from his hospital bed, he was busy ensuring that the process moves forward,” said a source familiar with the events. “He always said that he hopes to be by the closing, and his presence was surely felt during the final step of the purchase of the property.”
The building was purchased l’iluy nishmas R’ Avrohom Meir, and the building will bear his name. His son, Rav Shrage Moshe the Rosh Yeshiva of the yeshiva, and his son Rav Mordecha, continue their father’s legacy, ensuring that the process moves forward. Another pillar of this entire process has been the Harav Avrum Schlaff, who took a large part in acquiring the building.
Tri State Commercial Realty's Vice President Dov Bleich, David Biller, and Jack Sardar, VP of the Sales division, have facilitated the sale, and they have been instrumental throughout the search in finding the right property.
Following some minor construction, the building will immediately welcome the bachurim of Yeshiva K’tana Darkei Chaim—designating yet another Boro Park property for a Torah institution.