BDE: Reb Moshe Yitzchok Zuckerman, z”l, Boro Park-Toms River
By: Boropark24 staffThe tragic news of the sudden and shocking passing of Reb Moshe Yitzchok Zuckerman, z”l, hit the communities of.... read more
BDE: Mrs. Dubrish Gutter, a”h
BY: Boropark24 staff We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Dubrish Gutter, matriarch of a prominent family in the.... read more
BDE: The Tachakever Rebbe, zt”l, 94, Scion of Great Dynasties, Leader in Kashrus
By: Boropark24 staffWe are deeply saddened to inform you of the passing of the Tchakever.... read more
BDE: Sudden Untimely Passing of Mrs. Malky Weingarten, a”h, Throws Community into Shock
By: Boropark24 StaffWe are shocked and deeply saddened to.... read more
BDE: Mrs. Leah Mayer, a”h, Rebuilt with great mesirus nefesh
By: Boropark24 StaffWe are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Mayer, a matriarch to a family of talmidei chachomim and.... read more
BDE: Mrs. Miriam Leah Wachsler, a”h
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Miriam Leah Wachsler, a”h, a Holocaust survivor, and a pillar of the Viener Kehillah in.... read more
Tragedy in upstate New York hits heart of Orthodox community in Brooklyn
By BoroPark24 staff Brooklyn’s charedi community is in shock: mourning yet again this evening as we learn of the horrific.... read more
BDE: Reb Yitzchok Orenstein, z”l, Scion of Tosher Dynasty
BY: Boropark24 Staff We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Yitzchok Orenstein, a longtime Boro Park resident, and a.... read more
BDE: Mrs. Miriam Shor, a”h.
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Miriam Shor, a native of Yerushalayim who resided in Boro Park for many years. She was.... read more
BDE: Mrs. Malka Freund, a”h.
By: Boropark24 Staff We are saddened to inform you of the untimely passing of Mrs. Malka Freund, a”h, of Antwerp and Boro Park..... read more
BDE: Mrs. Malka Fuchs, a”h
By: Boropark24 StaffWe are saddened to inform you of the passing.... read more
Yanky Grossinger’s Sudden Passing throws Klal Yisroel into Shocked Mourning (Live Link to Levaya)
By: Boropark24 Staff Klal Yisroel around the world—and in particular, in the communities of Boro Park and Monsey— remains.... read more
BDE: Reb Lazer Freund, z”l, Holocaust survivor.
BY: Boropark24 Staff We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Lazer Freund, a Holocaust survivor from a legendary.... read more
BDE: Reb Yisroel Lieber, z”l, of London, Levaya in Boro Park
We are deeply saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Yisroel Lieber, z”l, of the Viznitzer community in London, at the untimely age of.... read more
BDE: Rebbetzin Sarah Halberstam, a”h
We are saddnened to inform of the passing of Rebbetzin Halberstam, a daughter of the previous Strizover Rebbe, at the untimely age of.... read more
BDE: Reb Luzer Kolman, z”l, 100, Dedicated his life to Tefillah
BY: Boropark24 StaffWe are saddned to inform you of the passing of Reb Eluzer Kolman, at the age of 100. He was a chazzan for most of.... read more
BDE: Mrs. Rivka Tandowski, a”h, 100, of Krakow-Crown Heights, and Boro Park
By: Boropark24 staffWe are saddened to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Tandowski, a regal matriarch to her family, known and beloved.... read more
BDE: Mrs. Gittel Knoll, a”h
BY: Boropark24 staff We are saddened to inform you of Mrs. Knoll, a beloved personality in Boro Park. She was a month shy of her.... read more