Photo Gallery: Sukkos in Bobov-45
photos by: Achim Lanchevsky, Avrumi Blum, Issac Y., Hillel Ls"h.... read more
Photo Gallery: Levayah of the Hamarad Rov Zt”l
photos by: Ari Freund/JDN.... read more
MTA Conducts Operation Allowing Safe Passage of Tallest Ship to Ever Cross Under Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge
The MTA today announced the successful passage of the Zhen Hua 25 into New York Harbor on Saturday, Oct. 19, as it carried four 227.4-foot-tall.... read more
Masbia Serves Thousands of Food Packages and Holiday Meals to Those in Need During the High Holidays with Broad Community Support
In honor of Tishrei 5785, Masbia Soup Kitchen Network distributed millions of dollars worth of food to ensure that no one goes hungry during the.... read more
Photo Gallery: Yidden in Boro Park Preparing for Sukkahs - Part 3
photos by: Issac Y./BoroPark24.... read more
Photo Gallery: Yidden in Boro Park Preparing for Sukkahs - Part 1
photos by: Zevi Klein/BoroPark24.... read more
Photo Gallery: Erev and Motze Yom Kippur at Boro Park Admoirim and Rabanim
gallery includes: Chernobile, Toldos Yehudah Stichin, Kosov, Lelov, Serdaheli, Amshinov, Skulen and Skulen Linden, Rachmastrivka, Liska and.... read more
Photo Gallery: Erev and Motzei Yom Kipur in Bobov
photos by: Achim Lanchevsky.... read more
Opening of Newly Built Heichel Habracha Kamarna Shul
Recently, the Burshtiner Rebbe paid a special visit to the newly inaugurated Heichel Habracha Shul, where he led a Tefilah and affixed a mezuzah.... read more
Photo Gallery: Erev and Motzei Yom Kipur in Bobov-45
photos by: Avrumi Blum.... read more
Photo Gallery: Yiden Preparing for Yom Tov at the Daled Minim Yerid
photos by: Dovid Y. Jaroslawicz/BoroPark24.... read more
Comptroller Brad Lander Joins Boro Park’s Daled Minim Shopping
This afternoon, NYC Comptroller Brad Lander visited the bustling Daled Minim Shuk on 13th Avenue in Boro Park.Lander, who makes it an.... read more