The Lens of Boro Park: Week 9/25/2024

Photo Gallery: Serdaheli Rebbe visiting Rebbes

photos by: Ari Freund/JDN.... read more

Photo Gallery: Hachturah of the Skulen and Skulen Linden Rebbes

photos by: Avrumi Berger/JDN.... read more

Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso Visits Chaveirim Headquarters

Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso visited the Chaveirim headquarters in Boro Park to gain insights into.... read more

Photo Gallery: Tosh Rebbe visits the new Tosh Talmud Torah in Boro Park

photos by: Ari Freund/JDN.... read more

Preparations Underway at Alexander Shul for Overflow Crowds Expected for Upcoming Yomim Tovim

As the Yomim Noraim and Sukkos approach, preparations are in full swing to accommodate the large number of chasidim.... read more