Sen. Schumer and other Leaders Ask Biden to Double Nonprofit Security Grant Program

By Yehudit GarmaiseWhile many Jews were briefly shocked two weeks ago to hear as soon as Shabbos was over that a Muslim terrorist had.... read more

A Massive Fire in Newark brings Poor Air Quality to NYC

(TF)A large fire at a recycling facility in Newark, New Jersey is sending smoke across the Hudson River and filling the streets of NYC with.... read more

Fire on Thirteenth Avenue Leaves Damage in Multiple Establishments

As another busy Sunday shopping day on 13th Avenue drew to a close, a fire erupted at a salon on 50th Street, spreading to a nearby store, and.... read more

Kindness from Boro Park: Masbia and Shomrim Team up to Bring Relief to Bronx Victims

New Yorkers remain in shock this evening from the horrific events that took place in the Bronx this afternoon–when a massive blaze tore through.... read more

BDE: Harav Nachum Segal Horowitz, zt”l, Rov of She’ris Yisroel, Transmitter of Tradition

Early this morning, we lost a golden link to the past, with the passing of Harav Hatzadik Rav Nachum Tzvi Segal Horowitz, a scion of great.... read more

Miracles in Beis Hatalmud as Ceiling Collapses in Dining Room

 Yeshiva Beis Hatalmud, the legendary transplant of the Mirer Yeshiva in Bensonhurst, was the site of tremendous Nissim.... read more

Man Breaks into Car and Steals Electric Scooter

Shomrim released a video of a male, spotted stealing from a car at 5 a.m. this morning.The perpetrator can be seen peeking into the car as.... read more

NYPD Deputy Inspector Richie Taylor Promoted to Inspector: Known for His Personal Touch

By Yehudit GarmaiseAfter serving as an NYPD deputy inspector since last November, on Tuesday, Richie Taylor, who is the highest-ranked.... read more

News Sparks: Sotrovimab Effective Against Omicron; US Meets with Abbas; Torah Fragments Found; and Sketching on the Subway

By Yehudit GarmaiseNew Monoclonal Antibody Therapy, Supplies of which are Running Low, Found Effective Against Omicron.... read more

Beware: Another Elderly Person Scammed for Thousands of Dollars

In what appears to be another incident of scammers targeting an elderly couple, a suspect successfully stole a few thousand dollars this past week.... read more

Photo Gallery: Hundreds attend a rare chalitzah ceremony at the Karlsbuger Beis Din.

Photos by: Issac Y., Avrhom Moshe S..... read more

NYPD Officers Injured After Accident on Ocean Pkwy

Two NYPD officers were injured after their vehicle lost control on Ocean Parkway and Foster Ave, just passed midnight on Wednesday.An.... read more

Brooklyn Bridge Park Completes Expansions and Improvements to Green, Waterfront Oasis

By Yehudit GarmaiseBrooklyn Bridge Park, which just 10 years ago, was an abandoned waterfront, today is an 85-acre urban oasis that is.... read more

WATCH: The days of Chanukah by Admorim and Rabbonim in Boro Park

Video by: Avrhomi Berger, Achim Lenchevsky, Issac Y, Avrhom Moshe S., Akiva K..... read more

Health Emporium's Advice for Post Chanukah Nutritional Balance and Weight Loss

After partying for eight days we are all looking to find nutritional balance and a way to shed those extra few “Chanukah pounds.” The Health.... read more

Behind the Donut Scene at Weiss Bakery

By Toby FriedmanTo many Chanukah is associated with celebration, family, and song. To some, it's linked with vacation and fun. Let's take a.... read more

Hundreds Pack Heichal Hatefillah for Siyum Marking Completion of Sefer Shmuel I-II

It has become a major attraction for balebatim, and many others; the Sunday morning shiur in Nach, delivered by Rav Binyomin Eisenberger,.... read more

Moped Accident Causes Serious Injuries to Driver

A driver on a moped, who appeared to be intoxicated, suffered serious injuries after crashing into a vehicle Saturday night.The incident.... read more