A Pre-Rosh Hashanah Opportunity to Settle Accounts with A-1 Plumbing

By Y. S. Gold
Reb Avrohom Yaakov Cohen, z"l, the son of, ybl"ch, Reb Nachum Cohen of Yerushalayim, was a successful owner of A-1 Plumbing in Boro Park and Lakewood before he passed away in a sudden manner at a young age, to the heartbreak of his family and all those who knew him.
While his business served many customers in New York and New Jersey, many of his customers neglected to pay their bills. Before his passing, Reb Avrohom Yaakov casually told acquaintances that it did bother him that many of these bills are old and unpaid.
The family presents the opportunity to the public to pay their outstanding bills, and settle their accounts with the Cohen family, by contacting [email protected].