Asifa Held for New Mosdos in Linden, New Jersey

Asifa Held for New Mosdos in Linden, New Jersey
The burgeoning community in Linden, New Jersey is quickly realizing the need for their own mosdos especially for chinuch. 

In order to take the first steps to address the needs of the new community, Mosdos Chinuch D’Linden made an asifa last night to discuss the new developments.

HaRov Avrohom Boruch Teichman addressed the asifa which was held at the new Cheder building in Elizabeth and hosted approximately 150 fathers.

The cheder will serve boys from nursery through fifth grade with class sizes of 15-20. There will also be a parallel program for girls in the same building. It is a very large building with many classrooms and entrances.

Located in Elizabeth, the cheder will be much more convenient that the current system of bussing to Brooklyn.

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