Atzeres Tefilah Joined By Thousands of Parents and Children on Tuesday

Three of Boro Park’s leading Rabonim each said special prayers to Hashem in hopes of removing the decree and for the complete Refuah of all Cholei Yisroel.
The Asifas Tefilah in light of the coronavirus pandemic and the extreme lockdowns that have befallen our neighborhood took place today, at 11:30am in the Skulen Shul, where just a minimal amount of people participated in-person, with thousands of others joining by phone via multiple call-in lines.
It started with Tehilim by Harav Mechel Steinmetz, the Skvere Dayan of Boro Park.
The Skulener Rebbe Shlit”a then said the Uvini Malkeini’s where we ask Hashem to send a complete Refuah to all those feeling ill. After, the Kosover Rebbe said Kabulas Ol Malchus Shomayim.
Photos by: Issac Y.