BDE: Deezher Rebbetzin, a”h.
YS Gold
We are saddened to inform you of the petirah of the previous Deezher Rebbetzin, Rebbetzin Matel Leah Paneth, at the age of 97.
The nifteres was herself a scion of the Deezher
dynasty—centered in Hungary— being the daughter of Rebbe Yechezkel Menachem,
the son of Rav Yitzchok Michel of Deezh.
She was the Rebbetzin of Rav Tzvi Meir Paneth, known as the
Imrei Tzvi. They each were Holocaust survivors who rebuilt in Williamsburg and
Bnei Brak. Their sons server as Deezher Admorim in communities around the
world—continuing the family legacy.
The Rebbetzin was unwell recently and had been in Maimonides
Hospital, where she was niftar Tuesday afternoon.
Her son, the Rebbe of Bnei Brak, had been en route to be
with her. Alas, he was unable to meet her before her neshomoh departed this
The levaya is scheduled for 8:00 this evening at the Deezher
Beis Medrash on Ross Street in Williamsburg.
Yehi zichra baruch.