BDE: R’ Shmaya Reichman, z”l
YS Gold
We regret to inform you of the petirah of R’ Shmaya Reichman, an indefatigable ba’al chessed and a pillar of the Bobov-45 chassidus. He was 52 years of age, and had battled an illness.
The niftar was born in Yerushalayim, and moved to Boro Park 15 years ago. Through the years, he dedicated his life to chessed and tzedakah, raising millions for various causes over the years. His easy smile and patient demeanor made him a sought-after fundraiser for many mosdos and shuls in the Tri-State area.
Within the Bobov-45 chassidus, he was likewise beloved and well-known, and responsible for many campaigns and functions within the kehillah.
He sadly contracted an illness in recent months and was niftar over Shabbos.
The levaya will take place 10:30 this morning at the Bobov-45 beis medrash on 49th Street, and he will be taken to Eretz Yisroel for kevurah.
Yehi zichro baruch.