BDE: Reb Chaim Nosson Rabinowitz, z”l

We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Reb Chaim Nosson Rabinowitz. He was 69 years of age.
The niftar was born in Boro Park into a family that has been here for close to a century, and clung fiercely to Torah and mitzvos despite the winds of the time.
He learned in the yeshivos of Chaim Berlin and Slabodka, where he absorbed a tremendous ahavas haTorah. Everyone who knew him immediately points to this quality. He was always learning, speaking in learning, going to Shiurim—especially to Rav Moshe Zoberman, of whom he considered himself a talmid—and writing chidushei Torah. He was also a soft spoken person, rarely raising his voice.
Reb Chaim Nosson davened for many years in the Skolya Beis Medrash, where he became close to the Skolya Rebbe, shlit”a. The niftar leaves behind a beautiful Torah family.
The Levaya will take place at Shomrei Hadas Chapels at 2:00.
Watch Live the Levya of Reb Chaim Nosson Rabinowitz, z”l
Yehi Zichro Baruch.