BDE: Reb Yitzchok Aryeh Lieber, z”l
We are saddened to inform you of the passing
of Reb Yitzchok Aryeh Lieber, a longtime resident of Boro Park and beloved by
so many. He was 74, and had been unwell in recent years.
He was born to hos father, Reb Yechezkel Lieber, in Williamsburg, in 1947, in the aftermath of the Holocaust, as the community was rebuilding from the churban. His grandfather was Reb Moshe Zev Lieber, the founder of Lieber's candy company.
Yitzchok Aryeh and his brothers learned in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, and the family was a devout part of Agudas Yisroel of Williamsburg.
He moved to Boro Park, where he resided for years on 47th Street, and was a beloved member of the Sfardishe Shul. He was especially close to the Marah d’Asra, Rav Yechiel Kaufman, shlit”a.In later years he moved to 53rd Street, and became close to the Karlsburger Kehillah, and to its Rov, Rav Yechezkel Roth, zt”l, which was on the block.
“He suffered from various ailments, and he did not merit to have children,” related a relative. “But you never heard a complaint out of his mouth—and his joy for others was like his own simcha. He loved every one of his siblings, his wife’s siblings, and their children and grandchildren, like they were his own. He knew everything that was going on in their lives, and truly felt their joys and sorrows.”
And his love was returned in ample measure. The devotion that his family showed to him was commensurate with the care and the love that he showed them. His smile and his simchas hachaim will be dearly missed by his family and all those who knew him.
The levaya will take place this morning
(Sunday) at 11:00, at Shomrei Hadas. Kevurah will be in the Agudah Benevolent
Society section in Beth Moses Cemetery, where the niftar was a lifelong member.
Yehi Zichro Baruch.
Watch Live the Levaya of Reb Yitzchok Aryeh Lieber, z”l