Belzer Rebbe to Undergo Surgery, Chassidim Around the World will Galvanize in Tefillah

Yitzy Fried
In the last few weeks Belz Chasidim davened for the Belze Rebbe after reports of weakness and unknown complications.
The Rebbe lead the Seder on Pesach despite his weakness to the joy of hundreds of Buchirim and Chasidim who looked out for this special moment.
Today a message from the Rebbe’s court shared that the Rebbe is undergoing a surgery for a bone fracture at 8:00 a.m. local time, which is at 1am EST.
The leadership asked chasidim around the world to Daven for the Rebbe's speedy and complete recovery.
In Boro Park, the chasidim will gather 1am for a Minyan Tehilem in Belz Shul on 43rd st. Kapitlech tehilem will be recited 7:40pm today after Mincha in all Belz Shteeblich.