Bobov-45 Construction to Shift to Nighttime Hours, with Help of CB12

By Yehudit Garmaise
Ever since the Bobov-45 chassidus celebrated its Hanochas Even Hapinah on June 8, 2022, construction workers have been busy working on the site on 14th Avenue and 49th Street to build a brand-new, massive, stunning shul that will ascend 70 feet high, 5 floors above ground and two more underground.
The first stage of construction on the 14th Avenue side is complete for the moment, according to Community Board 12 District Manager Barry Spitzer. But while 14th Avenue lends itself to keeping one lane open for traffic—and the project managers have invested much effort and money to ensuring a smooth traffic flow—traffic on 49th Street will need to be closed completely during that phase of construction.
Taking preemptive action to make things as smooth for the neighborhood as possible, Community Board 12, which unanimously voted to approve the Bobov-45’s construction project, is now working with the Department of Transportation (DOT), as well as Bobov-45’s developers, to shut down 49th Street at night and do the work during those hours.
“To do the work that is needed on 49th Street, we are trying to get a complete shut-down of the street to do the construction four nights a week,” Spitzer said during his district manager’s report at CB12’s monthly meeting on Tuesday night on 13th Avenue.
After making an inquiry to Bobov-45’s construction company about any potential noise at night that might disturb Boro Parkers, Spitzer reassured: “that that noise levels would not be high. We are almost there,” Spitzer said. “We just need one more approval from one more agency.”
Reached for comment, the askonim from the Bobov-45 chassidus said, “we could not be more grateful to Mr. Spitzer and Community Board 12 for their cooperation during every phase of this project, and more importantly, our neighbors who have been so gracious and understanding regarding the project to bring a beautiful center of Torah and chassidus to their corner.”