Communicated: Boro Park Residents Rally Against Housing Project on 60th Street

Communicated: Boro Park Residents Rally Against Housing Project on 60th Street

By Idy Perl

Boro Park residents are extremely concerned over a plan to build hundreds of units between the backyards and houses of residents, squeezing multiple units in an already congested neighborhood, taking away the little left breathing and living space in the area.

The plan, as reported couple weeks ago on BoroPark24, is a project to build multiple housing units on top of the train tracks at 14th Avenue and 60th Street, as previously reported here

BoroPark24 spoke with neighbors in the area who are calling this project "a threat to change the community”with densely packed housing units that will bring even more traffic congestion, overcrowding, limited parking, and more unwanted elements to the neighborhood.

"Projects like these tend to have the developers and their money in mind, and not take into consideration the residents around the project," one neighbor said in a conversation this morning. “They are destroying our neighborhood and backyards to fill their pockets”.

Another neighbor shared, "There are so many other options to fix the housing crisis in our neighborhood, such as breaking the commercial walls in the 14th Avenue and 60th Street neighborhood and going street by street, changing the commercial zoning, and building housing in those areas."

"Never ever did a housing project in our neighborhood end up in the backyards of the residents," another perspective noted. "This is just going to ruin the quality of life, the quality of the entire neighborhood, and our landscape."

A 4th neighbor shares his perspective on this, "Most of the development is creating a block within a block, leading to congestion. This will bring unwanted changes and push current neighbors to live between crowded buildings. The proposed housing is neither true nor ethical, resulting in subpar apartments”.

“Everyone in the community is against it, and we all know this is not about housing but entirely about the money," the neighbor concluded.

Finishing the conversation with neighbors, one resident added: "Our neighborhood has reached its limit with parking, congestion, and infrastructure. We are at 60th Street, which is an MTA route and also a critical path for Hatzalah and other emergency services rushing to and from scenes. This development will cause total gridlock at all hours of the day and will impact not only our street but many surrounding streets, hindering emergency vehicles rushing to help people."

The public hearing on the rezoning that will make the project possible is today, and we urge Boro Park residents to attend and make their voices heard. 

Neighbors are urging everyone to join the public hearing today at Amico Senior Center, 5901 13th Avenue, at 7 PM to cast their vote. "If you stay silent now, you will regret it later," they warn.

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