Community Board 12 Reunites to Provide Safety and Serenity for Boro Parkers Throughout Yom Tov
By Yehudit Garmaise
Thanks to the considerable efforts of Community Board 12, the NYPD, Shomrim, Shmira, and Mayor Eric Adams, Boro Parkers are to enjoy a peaceful, safe, and joyful Yom Tov season, CB12 Chairman Yidel Perlstein explained last night at the board’s meeting.
After attending a meeting with other Jewish leaders and Mayor Adams on Sept. 20 at City Hall, Perlstein repeated that the police department pledged to continue to provide an extra presence in Orthodox Jewish communities throughout the holiday season, which many residents said was visible over Rosh Hashana.
“It was a very big comfort to us to see that the mayor is single-handedly trying to be on top of seeing whether we have any community needs and whether there is anything he can do for the community, so we want to thank him again for that,” Perlstein said last night at the Amico Senior Center at 5901 13th Ave.
On Sept. 21, Community Board 12 members attended the NYPD’s annual High Holiday Community Briefing at One Police Plaza, where the police department explained how it would respond to the needs of residents in heimish neighborhoods during Yom Tov.
“We talked about everything from garbage to security, to people spending a lot of time out of their houses,” said Perlstein, who added that CB12’s District Manager Beri Spitzer reached out to the city’s Department of Transportation (DOT) to reduce noise and chaos in the community over Yom Tov and “try to keep contractors out of the neighborhoods until after the holidays.”
Providing a helpful response, the DOT agreed to establish a moratorium on street work until after Simchas Torah, when the Department of Environmental Protection and DOT have told CB12 they will continue to tackle the districts’ many sinkholes, which are the result of “structural problems that need to be addressed,” Perlstein said.
Perlstein also said he was proud to see all the different community groups who volunteered to make sure that no one goes hungry over the holidays.
“Everyone should have a meaningful fast on Yom Kippur and a Chag Sameach for Sukkos, and if there is anything we can do, the office is open,” Perlstein said warmly. “Please let us know. That is what we are here for.”
Community Board 12 can be reached at (718) 851-0800 and at 5910 13th Ave.