Gerer Ruv of America will Settle in Brooklyn Permanently

By: Boropark24
Rav Hershel Rottenberg,
shlit”a, a longtime Gerer dayan in Eretz Yisroel, was appointed the Ruv of the
Gerer chasidus a little over one year ago.
With the Yamim Nora’im
approaching, Rav Rottenberg is set to move here for most of the year, taking a
hands-on role in the growth and development of the chassidus, and answering
crucial day-to-day questions that arise in the Jewish home.
A notice sent out by the
Chassidus noted a number of ways that the Ruv will be available to the American
community for many hours in the day, and that his direct number will be active
even during his trips to Eretz Yisroel.