Inaugural Test for 'Kinyan Torah-L'Masmidim' Held in Bobover Beis Medrash

Inaugural Test for 'Kinyan Torah-L'Masmidim' Held in Bobover Beis Medrash

By: BZ Green

A point of pride within the Bobover chassidus is the Kinyan Torah program, in which balebatim learn a certain number of dapim each month and undergo a written bechina at the end of the month. 

Occasionally, special young men who aren't yet married, will choose to join this program on their own initiative, and they too will be rewarded by Kinyan Torah. 

Moshe Natan Nuta Englard and his younger brother Yehoshua Englard, zichronam livracha, who were among the 45 Meron victims, were part of the Yerushalayim branch of Kinyan Torah, and would undergo monthly tests after learning and reviewing the dapim. 

Following their sterling example, Kinyan Torah launched a special division for the children of the chassidus called Kinyan Torah l'Masmidim, in the memory of these two special boys. 

The first test took place recently in the Bobover Beis Medrash in Boro Park with the inaugural group of boys who master these dapim on their own time, in addition to their yeshiva schedule, joining their older counterparts in the endeavor of Kinyan Torah.

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