Mayor Adams Announces Details For Urban Rat Summit Kicking Off Today

By Idy Perl
Earlier this year Mayor Adams announced the first annual Urban Rat Summit, at which experts from around the states and Canada will come together find solutions to deal with New York City’s rat problem, as was reported by BoroPark24 back in May.
The summit will be taking place this week, from September 18-19. Mayor Adams has announced additional details about the event, including some of the speakers who will be presenting. The first day of the summit will start with introductory remarks by NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan and Dr. Matt Frye from the NYS Integrated Pest Management Program at Cornell University, followed by presentations from multiple researchers and experts. The second day of the summit will focus on rat mitigation methods that can be implemented in parks, sewers, alleys, yards and construction sites.
“I’m excited to welcome my fellow generals in the ‘War on Rats’ to our great city for the inaugural National Urban Rat Summit,” Mayor Adams said. “Thanks to our citywide integrated pest management strategy and our ‘Trash Revolution,’ we are giving rats the boot, driving down rat sightings, and improving quality of life across the five boroughs. We’re looking forward to sharing new strategies and best practices for rat mitigation and reduction over the course of the summit.”