Mayor Adams Says PSA on What to Do in Case of Nuclear Attack was not “Alarmist”

By Yehudit Garmaise
Just after the New York City Emergency Management Department (EMD) released an ominous public service announcement (PSA) in which a woman walked amidst a desolated city and said, “So, there’s been a nuclear attack,” New Yorkers were not happy.
After advising New Yorkers to “Get Inside, Stay Inside, and Stay Tuned,” in the case of a nuclear attack, New Yorkers cried out in exasperation and alarm.
Does the NYC EMD know something we don’t?
After BoroPark24 posted the EMD’s guidelines for what to do in case of a nuclear attack, one reader urged, “Please don't post the fear mongering the government is pushing again.
“This is the only point. To make people scared. We've had enough of this.”
Another reader worried whether “Russia or the government was planning something.”
A third reader said with resignation, “The government is at it again. [It wants us to] be scared, so it can control and lock America down again.”
The Defcon Warning System, a private organization that monitors nuclear threats, assured that the PSA was “not in response to any specific threat,” the Washington Post reported.
When Mayor Eric Adams was questioned about the PSA on Tuesday, he said the announcement was simply a “very proactive step” by the city’s office of emergency management.
“I’m a big believer in ‘Better safe than sorry,” the mayor said.
Adams said the video was sparked by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
“It was really taking necessary steps after what happened in Ukraine, to give preparedness,” said Adams, who noted that NYC can, unfortunately, be a main target for many foreign attacks.
“I don’t think it was alarmist,” Mayor Adams said. “These are just smart things to do.”