New Shomrim Patrol Vehicle Celebrated at Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

By M.C. Millman
Shomrim celebrated the donation of a new Shomrim Patrol Vehicle to the organization, which will be utilized to keep Boro Park residents safer day in and day out.
The new vehicle was donated by the JCRC-NY’s Community Security Initiative (CSI), whose mission is to enhance security throughout NYC.
The ribbon cutting took place at Shomrim Headquarters on 14th Avenue and 37th Street.
Community Board 12 District Manager Barry Spitzer expressed his thanks for the new Shomrim patrol vehicle as well as appreciation for the relationship between CSI and Shomrim and his hopes that the partnership continue with future joint endeavors to benefit the community of Boro Park.
Senior Community Liaison R’ Berish Freilich thanked Deputy Inspector Jason Hagestad and the 66th Precinct for donating the cover of the patrol vehicle.
Attendees included 66th Precinct Deputy Inspector Jason P. Hagestad, Senior Community Liaison R’ Berish Freilich, Community Board 12 District Manager Barry Spitzer, Shomrim coordinators and volunteers, and CSI representatives.
Photos by Dovid Y. Jaroslawicz