Sliver of Upstate New York Will See Total Solar Eclipse in 2024, Australia Saw One Today

Yaker Biegeleisen
We are now in the spring of 2023, but it is not too early to look forward to a rare celestial event that will be taking place next spring, on April 8, 2024, Monday, erev Rosh Chodesh Nissan of 5784.
This event—in which the moon will pass between planet earth and the sun, obscuring it from our view and darkening the area beneath it—has been dubbed “the Great North American Eclipse, because it will primarily be visible across North America.
The path of the total eclipse will include the upstate cities of Buffalo, Rochester, southern Syracuse, and Plattsburgh. The point that will experience the eclipse for the longest will be on the edge of the Buffalo, near the border with Canada, for a total of three minutes and forty seconds. Other areas of New York will only experience a partial eclipse due to their position in contrast to the sun.
Nature and astronomy aficionados are already booking hotels along the path of the total eclipse which only takes place every few years.
Meanwhile, across the world, pasts of Australia and Indonesia experienced a total eclipse earlier today for about one minute. This particular type of eclipse, a hybrid eclipse, occurs only once in a decade, and it drew thousands of people to the path of the eclipse.
Yaker Biegeleisen is BoroPark24’s weather and nature reporter