Sweet is Back: Oh! Nuts Opens Doors to Magnificently-Remodeled Confection Shop

By: BZ Green
One of Boro Park’s busiest intersections is also Boro Park’s sweetest corner.
The corner of 13th Avenue and 50th Street has served as the home of Oh! Nuts for about three decades, and in this time, it has become a destination for Boro Park residents—and many outside the neighborhood—to purchase everything sweet.
A little over one year ago, a fire broke out in the basement of a neighboring store. While the flames themselves did not reach Oh! Nuts, an enormous amount of smoke did, and the entire store had to be stripped to the bare walls.
“Interestingly, the idea of remodeling the store began forming the summer before, and we were toying with several different design ideas at the very time that the fire broke out,” recalls a manager at the store.
“It was bashert that the fire happened when it did, as it only accelerated our plans to bring Boro Park the same great service and selection that we were always known for—Plus lots of new items (Chocolate fudge, anyone?) -but on another level altogether,” she relates.
While they were closed, Oh Nuts had an office that served customers to the best of their abilities. Customers received free shipping on all items as a small way for the establishment to make up for their inability to serve the customers in person.
Devorah Friedman Interiors took the helm of the monumental remodeling project, and the end result must be seen to be properly appreciated.
“A lot of thought went into the customer experience—down to the quarter-inch,” said a person familiar with the process. “Mr. Klein, along with the team at DFI, put incredible thought into every minute detail; things that the customer could never notice, but which make the shopping experience more convenient and pleasurable.
“For example, you want items to be seen at the most comfortable height—not too high or too low. You want the customers to feel that the room is airy and large, but you also want them to be treated to the largest selection possible. Our chocolate truffle display went through a number of designs until we settled on just the right one; easy to select and highly organized,” she said.
Indeed, walking into the store, it feels about 25% bigger than it was previously—even though it has not been expanded at all. It has to do with the design and placement, among so many other factors that make this shopping experience truly unique and, well… sweet.