Today in History: Brooklyn Bridge Shooting results in the death of Ari Halberstam hy"d

Today in History: Brooklyn Bridge Shooting results in the death of Ari Halberstam hy"d

On March 1, 1994, Lebanese-born terrorist, Rashid Baz, shot at a van of 15 Lubavitch boys who were traveling on the Brooklyn Bridge, after he attended a raging antisemitic sermon.

Four students were shot in that fateful attack. The two most seriously wounded included Ari Halberstam hy"d, who passed away four days later from a shot to the head, and Nachum Sasonkin, who was also shot in the head and suffered permanent speech impairments.

The terrorist used a Cobray MAC-11 automatic pistol to bomb the van, and a Glock 17 9mm semi-automatic pistol to shoot at students.

On December 1, 1994, Baz was sentenced to 141 years in prison.

Since the shooting, Halberstam’s mother has become an activist, fighting against terrorism and hate crimes.

"Now, I think about the grandchildren I won't have from Ari, the life that he just couldn't have," Halberstam said in an interview. "I mean, he was 16 years old. He's frozen in time for me." 

Photo: Flickr

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