TONIGHT: Historic wedding in the Courts of Rachmastrivka and Skver
Yitzy Fried
This evening, a wedding will take place in New Square of the great-granddaughter of the Skverer Rebbe to a grandson of the Rachmastrivka Rebbe.
This is the first wedding in the court of Rachmastrivka since the Rebbe assumed leadership of the chassidus following the passing of his illustrious father, zt”l. The kallah is the eldest great-grandchild of the Skverer Rebbe shlit”a.
New Square is welcoming in these days of Simcha esteemed guests from overseas, firstly the Vizniter Rebbe from Bnei Brak which is a brother-in-law of the Skverer Rebbe and is in New York to raise funds for the gigantic Beis Viznitz shul in Bnei Brak, he attended last night the Chusen Muhl, as well as Harav Aron Mordche Rokeach from Belz, and Harav Berel Rokeach from Machnivka Belz, both of them flew in for the wedding taking place tonight.