Vinderkind Elul on Shelves Now

Vinderkind Elul on Shelves Now

By BoroPark24 Staff

Vinderkind is celebrating a year of incredible, original monthly content packages!

Each month of the past year Vinderkind delivered top-notch content in several media forms for children of all ages. 

Vinderkind subscribers were pleasantly surprised to receive an exclusive, personalized Vinderkind watch in their latest package! Subscribers will receive surprise gifts and prizes from time to time; subscribe now to be able to receive the next one! To request a Vinderkind watch visit the website at VINDERKIND.COM. 

The new Elul edition is already out and available in stores, and includes:

The Clock is Ticking…- A watch is a regular, everyday item, but how does it actually work? R’ Meir Licht takes us on a journey to discover the history of clocks and how they work. 

Not Done Yet- A song that beautifully explains the importance and power of Chodesh Elul, sung by the Pirchei Shir V’Shevach choir. 

A Fool In The Palace- The fascinating history, including midrashim, of Klal Yisroel in several places, a horrific betrayal narrated by some of your favorite actors.

The Scary Inn- A riveting story told by the well-known singer and storyteller R’ Dovid Feder.

Shamshon The Giant- A humorous story that teaches children to take responsibility for their actions, performed by Yaldei Chein. 

Arrogance- A catchy song with ideas on how to work on the middah of gavah, sung by the children of Key Talent. 

Teshuvah With The Baal Teshuvah- A journey to the bais medrash to see how Rav Matisyahu Green deals with current halachos. 

Year In Review- In honor of Vinderkind’s one year anniversary, play this fun game that is accompanied by the USB to review and remember the past year.

And much much more!

Sign up now for a subscription at or call 718-517-8310

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