Watch live: Chabad of Rechavia, Jerusalem
Chabad of Rechavia, Jerusalem
Presents the 2nd Annual Online Concert:
Bringing Jerusalem to the World!
This year, thousands of our regular guests from around the world, will not be able to come to Jerusalem, to celebrate the Chagim & Holidays.
In preparation for the month of Tishrei, we will bring the magical atmosphere of Jerusalem, to the world!
With Chassidic Superstar AVRAHAM FRIED
Pirchei Yerushalaim Boys Choir
Rapper Nissim Black
Gershon Wachtel World-class Piano Artist
Shofar Player - Amit Sofer
Sunday, August 29
8:00 pm Jerusalem Time
1:00 pm EST
10:00 am PST
6:00 pm London Time
3:00 am Australian Time
Rabbi Yisroel Goldberg
Director of Chabad of Rechavia, Jerusalem