Year 5782 in Review: A Year of Heavenly Orchestration

Year 5782 in Review: A Year of Heavenly Orchestration

By: Yehuda Alter 

Just about one year ago, the entire Klal Yisroel was gathered in its Shuls around the world uttering the same words with trepidation: “Who will live.. who will be elevated… who will become wealthy… and about the nations it is said, which ones by sword and which ones in peace.” 

In those exalted moments, very few contemplated the loss for Klal Yisroel that would come with the sudden passing of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, or the number of other luminaries that have been taken from among us, and no one thought about the war in Ukraine that has shaken the world. 

But that is precisely the point of Rosh Hashanah: to coronate the King. To understand that the Melech Malchei Hamelochim orchestrated every single detail of events in the world. And to leave the control in His hands, and his Hands alone. 

Following the joy of Purim came the ultimate mourning with the passing of the great light, Klal Yisroel’s steadfast presence of unbridled love and complete mastery of Torah, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l, who had given so much guidance and blessing to our community. As spring and summer wore on, we lost two more luminaries in Rav Yitzchok Tovia Weiss, and Chacham Shalom Cohen, each of whom served as a guiding light to their respective communities. 

The same can be said for the Admorim of Tchakava, Alesk, Kavunas Halev, Lizensk, and Zvehil: The Torah leaders Rav Moshe Dovid Lieberman, ABD Shomrei Hadas Antwerp, Rav Moshe Halberstam, ABD Bobov Antwerp, and Rav Lipa Margolies, founder and Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Temima, Zecher Tzaddikim Livracha. 

On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine—an event that is still unfolding, as the country battles for its defense. Ukraine has incurred at least $108 billion in damage. But in the midst of all of this horror and evil, we have seen Klal Yisroel rally to the aid of their brethren in unprecedented ways. Tens of millions of dollars in aid and rescue have been sent over, and heroes have worked around the clock to rescue every last soul from harm’s way. 

For our community, one of the most important events of the year was, without a doubt, the unprecedented escalation of the Chinuch Decree, in which the outright war on everything that we hold near and dear has been taken to levels unfathomable in the United States of America. And yet, we remain steadfast in our convictions, united as one to defend what is most precious to us.

In speaking of funds raised on behalf of our brethren in need, it is likely impossible to estimate a dollar amount of what Klal Yisroel has expended this year through mediums such as fundraising campaigns to the Yid standing at the shul door with his hand outstretched—may this be a Zechus for the entire Klal Yisroel as we head into a new year. 

Inflation has risen a whopping 8.3% since Rosh Hashanah of last year—surely what Chazal had in mind when they said “the sustenance of a person is decreed on Rosh Hashanah for the entire year.” 

As we contemplate these, and other important events of 5782, it is with the clear understanding that all of them have been ordained by our loving father, Avinu Malkeinu. 

May our next year-in-review of 5783 be filled with the joyous descriptions of the arrival of Moshiach, the return of all of Klal Yisroel to the embrace of their Father, and the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdosh. 


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