BDE: Elisheva Rivka (Olis) Jankelowitz

BDE: Elisheva Rivka (Olis) Jankelowitz

YS Gold 

We regret to inform of the passing of Mrs. Elisheva Rivka (Olis) Janklowitz, a matriarch and longtime Boro Park resident. She was 93 years of age.

The nifteres was born in Uhel, Hungary, in the year 1931. Her father was Reb Yaakov Berger, a brother of the Miskolcer Rov. He was a wealthy porcelain manufacturer, and she enjoyed a wealthy lifestyle. Her idyllic childhood came to an end with the entry of the Nazis Ym”sh, who deported her and her family to the death camps. 

She survived the war through great miracles, and married Reb Volf Jankelowitz, a fellow survivor, after the war. Their mesader kiddushin was her uncle, the Miscolcer rov. 

The couple soon settled in Boro Park, where they established an exceptional Torah home, raising children and grandchildren in the ways of Torah and Yiddishkeit.  

The nifteres was an incredible ba’alas chessed. For many years, she would prepare food every day, and walk over to a nursing home near her home. She would handfeed many patients who would otherwise refuse to eat. She also befriended and cared for many rebbetzin’s in the community. 

The nifteres leaves behind an incredible legacy of chessed and devotion to Yiddishkeit which lives on in her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. 

The Levaya is taking place this morning at her home, 1353 47TH ST.    

Yehi zichra baruch. 

Photo Gallery: Erev Shavous in Boro Park
  • Jun 14 2024
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  • 10:43 AM

BDE: Rav Dovid Tzvi Fisher, z”l
  • Jun 14 2024
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  • 10:21 AM

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