BDE: Hayalda Naomi Rieger, a”h, Throws Bobover Community into Mourning

BY: Boropark24 Staff
We are deeply saddened to inform you of the tragic, and heartbreaking petirah of Naomi Rieger, a”h, a twelve year old student of Bnos Zion d’Bobov, who was carried in the hearts of the entire community since she was stricken with the terrible machlah, and whose name was on all of their lips in fervent tefillah until the last moments.
Naomi was a beloved daughter of, ybl”ch, Reb Meilech Rieger, and her mother hails from the prestigious Liphshitz family. A number of years ago, she was stricken with the dreaded machlah, and every man, woman, and child carried around the name Nechama Naomi bas Reizel Leah for every moment of that time.
She returned her pure neshomoh to its Maker in the waning moments of Shabbos, throwing the entire community into grief. For her classmates and acquaintances, and all those who davened for her recovery, this is a traumatic and crushing blow.
Her levaya will take place at the Bobover Beis Medrash at 10:00 this evening, and she will be laid to rest on the Bobover Bais Hachaim.
Yehi zichra Baruch.