BDE: Mrs. Rochel Brustowsky, a"h

We regret to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Rochel Brustwosky, a"h, a longtime Boro Park resident who established a beautiful Torah family in Boro Park. She was 87 years of age.
The nifteres was born in Maryland into the Miller family (her brother is ybl"ch Hag'aon Rav Shlomo Miller, shlit"a, of Toronto), and she was raised in an atmosphere of mesirus nefesh for Yiddishkeit.
She was the wife of Reb Leibish Brustowsky, z"l, who was dedicated himself to disseminating Torah. In all of his endeavors, his devoted wife was at his right hand.
Together with her husband, she raised a beautiful Torah family.
The levaya will take place at 6:00 this evening at Shomrei Hadas. To watch it live click here.
Yehi zichra baruch.