BDE: R’ Chesky Rubin, z”l, Beloved Personality in Boro Park Community

By: Boropark24 Staff
We are saddened to inform you of the passing of R’ Alter Yechezkel Shraga Rubin, z”l, a well-known personality who garnered the love and admiration of so many in the community with his ever-present smile.
The niftar was born in Los Angeles to his father, Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Heshil Rubin, the Vishnitzer Rov of Los Angeles. He had emerged from the Holocaust alone, and rebuild beautiful generations here.
Chesky was special, and he struggled to overcome his many challenges—but always with a smile and with humor. This endeared him deeply to all who knew him, but especially to his siblings who took care of his every need until his last days.
He moved to Boro Park in the last decades of his life, where he was doted upon by his brother R’ Yankel Rubin’s family.
He frequented Rav Steinwurtzel’s shul, and the Spinka Beis Medrash on 18th Avenue
He loved life, and he loved people, and loved going to people’s simchos where he brought great joy.
In recent weeks, he contracted an infection, and was niftar this past Shabbos.
The levaya will take place at the Spinka Beis Medrash at 12:00, and he will be flown to Eretz Yisroel, where he will be laid to rest in Tzefas, alongside his parents who devotedly cared for him until their own passing.
Yehi Zichro Baruch